It's a horribly blurry picture, I know, but it really expresses my thoughts for today.
I need a name for those moments. They aren't quite epiphanies but they do really hit me. I can almost see the lightbulb go on over my head. Tiny little realizations about something in my life that's been totally obvious all along, but suddenly becomes clear to me.
My baby boys are men.
Sometimes it hits me when I call home and one of them answers. Or when I hear a voice in the other room and wonder for a brief moment who the heck that man is.
When they watch TV, staring at the scantily clad woman on the beer commercial. Hey! Cut that out!
Or when one of them tries to charm me. They both do it, my teenage boys, turning on the same smile that works on adolescent girls. Hah! Don't they know I'm immune? Don't they know this teacher has faced every teenage charm known to middle school, and stared them all down! Hah! They think they can flash the puppy dog eyes and Mommy will just melt.
Sigh! If only they didn't look so much like their dad.