I’ve been away for awhile
Rocked by the waves of an unpredictable river
Relaxed sometimes in my inflatable black tube
Surprised sometimes by a thrilling section of rapids
Disappointed sometimes by entrapment in a patch of reeds
Melting in the humid sun
But not missing the demands of rowing
I am too busy examining a rare water plants
Discovering exotic, brightly-colored fish,
Gathering glossy, spotted rocks from the river bed
Feeling their weight in my pockets
Far away I spot rowboats anchored on the shore
I’m so glad I am not their captain
There are many streams and forks,
Miles and waves
Eventually though
they become confusing
Not sure where I am,
the rocking makes me dizzy
Sunburned and windblown,
I return home
Glad to return my hand to the tiller of my own